Monday, January 25, 2016

Inspire Me Monday #66

Happy Monday!  I hope all of our east coast friends are warm and safe after all of that snow!  

Last week we had a leaking toilet, that ended up turning in to a mini-remodel, so I am excited to share that you this week!  

Now on to our party! Each week we will be featuring the post that had the most views, as well as each co-host will be featuring their two favorite posts.  So be sure to stop by each site each week and see if you were featured!!

FaceBook     Twitter     Google+     Pinterest

Janice at Mostly Blogging
FaceBook    Twitter    Google+    Pinterest

Bonbon at Farmhouse 40
FaceBook    Twitter    Pinterest    Instagram    Google+    Hometalk

We are currently searching for a new co-host, so if you are interested in applying, just send me an email at

The post with the most views last week was

A couple of my favorites were:
I love how these shelves are decorated!

How cute are these little guys?!

Have a great week!!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Inspire Me Monday #65

Welcome everybody!  I hope you have had a great weekend!  Thanks for starting our new year off with a bang last week with so many posts!  It was so fun to check them all out!  

Each week we will be featuring the post that had the most views, as well as each co-host will be featuring their two favorite posts.  So be sure to stop by each site each week and see if you were featured!!

FaceBook     Twitter     Google+     Pinterest

Janice at Mostly Blogging
FaceBook    Twitter    Google+    Pinterest

Bonbon at Farmhouse 40
FaceBook    Twitter    Pinterest    Instagram    Google+    Hometalk

We are currently searching for a new co-host, so if you are interested in applying, just send me an email at

The post with the most views last week was

A couple of my favorites were:

I love burlap wreaths and this adorable winter decor!! Have a great week! 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Inspire Me Monday #64

Welcome back!!  I have so missed looking at your posts every week!  I hope you all had a nice few weeks off, and are ready to get back to our party!  I am sure you have a TON of great things to share with us this week!!  I can not wait to check them all out!

Each week we will be featuring the post that had the most views, as well as each co-host will be featuring their two favorite posts.  So be sure to stop by each site each week and see if you were featured!!

FaceBook     Twitter     Google+     Pinterest

Janice at Mostly Blogging
FaceBook    Twitter    Google+    Pinterest

Bonbon at Farmhouse 40
FaceBook    Twitter    Pinterest    Instagram    Google+    Hometalk

We are currently searching for a new co-host, so if you are interested in applying, just send me an email at

Just a note, we will not be picking features from the last party, but will resume with all the hosts' picks next week!  The post with the most views from the last party was:

Have a great week!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Long time no talk!

Hi friends!  Sorry for the crickets around here lately!  Life with 4 kids has kind of gotten the best of me recently!  I am happy to report that I am working on a post to share with you soon though!  We are working on refinishing some VERY outdated cabinets in our house and I can't wait to show you the transfornation!

In the meantime, I would love to hear if you have been up to any fun projects around your house lately!  Plus, it will give me some ideas of things to add to my 'to-do' list!  Although I am thinking my husband will not be as happy about that as I am ;)

Hope you have had a great holiday season, and your new year is off to a great start!


Friday, January 1, 2016