Monday, October 31, 2016

Inspire Me Monday #105

Happy Halloween!  I hope you all have a fun day!  To see a few Halloween tips I put together, click HERE.  And be sure to stop by your local firehouse to trick or treat tonight!  My kiddos always love that tradition!

On to the party!  Don't forget, each week we will be featuring the post that had the most views, as well as each co-host will be featuring their two favorite posts.  So be sure to stop by each site each week and see if you were featured!!

FaceBook     Twitter     Google+     Pinterest

Janice at Mostly Blogging
FaceBook    Twitter    Google+    Pinterest

Bonbon at Farmhouse 40
FaceBook    Twitter    Pinterest    Instagram    Google+    Hometalk

Nicole at Mama of Many Blessings
FaceBook    Twitter   Google+   Pinterest    Instagram

The post with the most views last week was

A couple of my favorites were:

Be sure to grab a button if you were featured!

Have a great week!

Happy Halloween 2016!

Woo hoo!  Happy Halloween!  Ok, I admit, this is not my most favorite holiday, but I do enjoy watching my kiddos get beyond excited about getting their costumes on and going trick or treating :)  We have a busy day ahead that includes a preschool parade and elementary school parties.  Should be a fun day!

Here are a few tips to remember as you head out this evening.  I hope you have a great time!!  Feel free to leave a photo comment with pictures of your little ghosts and goblins!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Inspire Me Monday #104

Happy Monday, friends!  We had a gorgeous weekend here in the midwest!  We enjoyed a hike at a local state park.  It was absolutely perfect :)  

On to the party!  Don't forget, each week we will be featuring the post that had the most views, as well as each co-host will be featuring their two favorite posts.  So be sure to stop by each site each week and see if you were featured!!

FaceBook     Twitter     Google+     Pinterest

Janice at Mostly Blogging
FaceBook    Twitter    Google+    Pinterest

Bonbon at Farmhouse 40
FaceBook    Twitter    Pinterest    Instagram    Google+    Hometalk

Nicole at Mama of Many Blessings
FaceBook    Twitter   Google+   Pinterest    Instagram

The post with the most views last week was

A couple of my favorites were:

Be sure to grab a button if you were featured!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Inspire Me Monday #103

Happy Monday!  We had a fun weekend at our firehouse's Open House on Saturday!  This is a busy time for Open Houses, so be sure to check with your local department and see if they are having one!  It's fun for both kids and adults to check out the firehouse, trucks, and equipment!  

On to the party!  Don't forget, each week we will be featuring the post that had the most views, as well as each co-host will be featuring their two favorite posts.  So be sure to stop by each site each week and see if you were featured!!

FaceBook     Twitter     Google+     Pinterest

Janice at Mostly Blogging
FaceBook    Twitter    Google+    Pinterest

Bonbon at Farmhouse 40
FaceBook    Twitter    Pinterest    Instagram    Google+    Hometalk

Nicole at Mama of Many Blessings
FaceBook    Twitter   Google+   Pinterest    Instagram

The most popular post last week was

A couple of my favorites were
Check out these FREE printables! They are beautiful!

What a fun drink for Halloween!  Kid friendly too!

Be sure to grab a button if you were featured!

Have a great week!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Inspire Me Monday #102

Welcome, friends!  Thanks for joining us!  I hope all of our friends in the path of Hurricane Matthew are safe and sound!  

On to the party!  Don't forget, each week we will be featuring the post that had the most views, as well as each co-host will be featuring their two favorite posts.  So be sure to stop by each site each week and see if you were featured!!

FaceBook     Twitter     Google+     Pinterest

Janice at Mostly Blogging
FaceBook    Twitter    Google+    Pinterest

Bonbon at Farmhouse 40
FaceBook    Twitter    Pinterest    Instagram    Google+    Hometalk

Nicole at Mama of Many Blessings
FaceBook    Twitter   Google+   Pinterest    Instagram

The post with the most views last week was

A couple of my favorites were:

Have a great week!!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Inspire Me Monday #101

Welcome, friends!  Thank you so much helping our 100th celebration be such a success!  We had a ton of posts and such great ideas and recipes!  It was so fun to look through all of them!  

On to the party!  Don't forget, each week we will be featuring the post that had the most views, as well as each co-host will be featuring their two favorite posts.  So be sure to stop by each site each week and see if you were featured!!

FaceBook     Twitter     Google+     Pinterest

Janice at Mostly Blogging
FaceBook    Twitter    Google+    Pinterest

Bonbon at Farmhouse 40
FaceBook    Twitter    Pinterest    Instagram    Google+    Hometalk

Nicole at Mama of Many Blessings
FaceBook    Twitter   Google+   Pinterest    Instagram

The post with the most views last week was

A couple of my favorites were:

Be sure to grab a button if you were featured!

Hope you have a great week!!